Sunday, December 23, 2007


To make love to a stranger is the best.

There is no riddle and there is no test -

To lie and love, not aching to make sense

Of this night in the mesh of reference.

To touch, unclaimed by fear of imminent day,

And understand, as only strangers may.

To feel the beat of foreign heart to heart

Preferring neither to prolong nor part.

To rest within the unknown arms and know

That this is all there is; that this is so.

Not mine. Vikram Seth's. Exquisite.


Anonymous said...

Exquisite indeed. I think it's worth giving it a try.

Jokes apart. I think I would like to read some of Seth's poetry. You can be the guy selecting the best few :P

Calvin said...

Okay... now that I am back on your blog mostly because you begged and touched my feet and stuff like that...

You are not allowed to use other people's stuff to make your blog look intelligent!

Anyway... since you celebrate the stranger in the most exquisite way possible here are a few lines for you!

"If your house is really a mess and a stranger comes to the door greet him with, "Who could have done this? we have no enemies"