Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mr. India

What if when on a walk down the street, you were to meet India - the man? How would you recognize him? What will he look like and what sort of person will he be?

Let’s see.


Without the shadow of a doubt, he would be a man of huge build, roundabout seven feet tall, conspicuously rising above every other person around. But even for a man so tall, he would look rather smallish, as if the lord above had tried to put too much into that seven feet frame. The muscles on his body would bulge rather awkwardly, almost as if it wasn’t being able to hold them intact anymore, as if the flesh would tear the skin and come out anytime now, as if it was too heavily packed.

The body would not make any sense at all as a whole. It’ll look as if different parts of it had been taken from totally different individuals, and then put together to make one continuous piece. The left hand might be shorter than the right, one part of the body might have a lot more hair than the others, and the legs might be too thin for a man with such bulky arms. To put it in a nutshell, the body would give a rather incongruous look.

Several parts of his body would give the appearance that they don’t actually belong there, that they were striving to cut off from the main, that they wished to be independent. One of the arms or legs might just be hanging precariously, as if it was almost ready to fall off, as if Mr. India was just barely managing to hold on to it. Such complexities would of course be a cause of great worry and even pain for the man. There would a constant wince on his face, he would always look to be in great distress.

As far as his mental framework is concerned, he could be called A Psychiatrist’s Delight. A one-in-a-trillion sort of man. Quite obviously, a person with such unique physical characteristics wouldn’t be completely relaxed in the head. In fact, with such remarkable variety inherent, he would be someone totally confused about his identity, about what he really is. As mentioned before, his mind and body would make no sense as a whole and he would spend hours, days, months, years, and decades trying to give some meaning to it, to find his ‘identity’.

He would also be a man totally clueless about his past. He’ll remember the events alright, and he might take great pride in the victories he’s had over other individuals and feel deep shame over his innumerable defeats, but would not able to pinpoint why things happened as they did. In fact, a closer look would tell you that he is not even interested in learning about that, that he is close to being completely ignorant about himself. Whatever conceptions he has about the past might just be nonsense, something just jumped to without proper thought or reasoning. He might even tell you that he was once called the The Golden Boy by his friends at school, but that might actually be something only his mother called him to make him feel happy. On the other hand, there might be truth in his claim but you would find it rather hard to believe seeing his present state.

As far as the present and future go, he would tell you that his condition is far better than what it was some time ago. He would say that things are getting better for him by the day and people in his neighbourhood have started acknowledging his presence around the place. He would tell you that his financial condition might not be fantastic as of now, but his business is moving in the right direction and things are bound to get rosier. The only thing bothering him is his health, he would say, the unique assortment of body parts, the various components always threatening to slide away.

All in all, he would be a man like no other. One thing that you could say with sureness about him is that he’ll be a singularly kind man, the sort anyone would like to become friends with. He might not be the strongest, or the largest, or the most intelligent person around and he certainly won’t be the richest of them, but he’ll be unique, a subject of envy to his neighbours and of great awe and wonder to everyone else.

As said before, Mr. India would be A Psychiatrist’s Delight. A one-in-a-trillion sort of man.


Anonymous said...

"err.. umm.. ok ! So .. How are ya?"
Well, thinking of it now, thats the kind of reaction i would be giving to the 'one-in-a-trillion' guy. :) A really good read, the entire perception change has been pulled off really well. But, i think you really missed out on this one little thing, i think (or have strong reasons to believe) that Mr.India is left-handed. Now, why is that? Well, thats 'cos he is a much troubled man, is he not, and he needs stuff to keep him going. ;) And dude, where his right hand is... err, thats a Dry-Area !!!

Anonymous said...

hmmm..I did miss out on that one..jokes apart, he'd surely be left handed because that's where his brain actually is (read bengal)..the head area is always under attack by other people, isn't it?

Calvin said...

hmm... you sounded more intelligent in your actual post than the comment you made. I must apologize here for doing this to you yet again... but you started with an interesting metaphor and then ended up with categorizing body organs into various states!

"the body would give a rather incongruous look" was quite perfect actually but you had to ruin it with your celebration of bengali brains!

anyway, though your comment actually shows that you and i don't think about your post the same way, I think the fact that your idea of India having multiple histories is interesting. Selective amnesia and an infliction of a strange kind of Alzheimer's disease combine to create the mental state of India personified.

And yes, it might have been a weird golden boy but now we see more of complete over-grown hooligan threatening to create a set of changes, which is normally referred to as India Shining. India is more of a brand than an actual country with real problems. The collective looks good while the individuals suffer with their own set of problems.

It would definitely be a strange encounter, not because of the physical appearance of Mr. India but because of the fluctuations in his intellectual ability.